Funds Will Provide Critical Support in Response to COVID-19 Crisis

Darien, CT May 27, 2020: Person-to-Person (P2P) is pleased to announce that they have received a generous $22,500 grant from the Fairfield County COVID-19 Resiliency Fund created by Fairfield County’s Community Foundation (FCCF). The funds will support P2P’s response to the critical needs created by the COVID-19 crisis, expanding accessibility to their food assistance and emergency financial assistance programs, provided through their locations in Darien, Norwalk, and Stamford. 

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March, P2P has seen the urgent need for food and financial assistance continue to increase. With unemployment rates at historic highs, and low-wage workers among the hardest hit, households with limited resources are struggling to meet even their most basic needs. In Fairfield County, with housing costs among the highest in the country, this loss of income for those already living paycheck-to-paycheck has created dire situations for families. Requests for food assistance at P2P are up 70% over the same time last year, and requests for emergency financial assistance have grown by over 300%. 

The social and economic toll of this crisis is disproportionately impacting low-income communities, according to P2P CEO Nancy Coughlin. “Providing access to these basic resources is critical to helping vulnerable populations weather this uncertain time and to keep our communities strong, particularly in Fairfield County, which has been impacted greatly by the virus. We are grateful for the long-standing, collaborative partnership of FCCF, and for their commitment to ensuring that the needs of all Fairfield County residents are met during this crisis, and beyond.”

The Fairfield County COVID-19 Resiliency Fund was established by FCCF to rapidly deploy resources to trusted, frontline community organizations that meet the basic needs of local residents in Fairfield County. The Fund’s purpose is to help alleviate the social and economic consequences of this global pandemic and to prevent the widening of disparities in education, employment, housing, and health. The Fund’s resources are directed to organizations serving high need, vulnerable populations, including low-income individuals and residents without health insurance and/or access to sick days; immigrants; persons with disabilities; and communities of color, among others. 

About Fairfield County’s Community Foundation 

Fairfield County’s Community Foundation promotes philanthropy as a means to create change in Fairfield County, focusing on innovative and collaborative solutions to critical issues impacting the community. Individuals, families, corporations and organizations can establish charitable funds or contribute to existing funds. The Community Foundation is in compliance with the Council on Foundations’ national standards and has awarded over $220 million in grants to nonprofits in Fairfield County and beyond. As a trusted nonprofit partner and thought leader, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation brings together community organizers, business experts and philanthropists to solve our region’s challenges. Our goal is to create a vital and inclusive community, where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.