Get in the game this Souper Bowl!
Here is a chance to win this Super Bowl, regardless of how, and if, your team plays. You can win in the P2P Souper Bowl, by hosting a canned soup or food drive to help fill the P2P food pantries that support thousands of families in Fairfield County.
While we call it a “souper” bowl, our pantries are in need of all our most needed items.
Souper Bowl Drive Ideas:
- Schools and Community Groups: Souper Bowl Drives are a great way to get your whole community involved!
- Super Bowl Watch Party. If you’re hosting a COVID-safe Super Bowl party, ask all your guests to bring non-perishable items for your food drive.
- Virtual Food Drive: P2P also has an active Virtual Food Drive fundraising page. You can donate or set up a virtual Souper Bowl Fundraising team. To learn more about setting up a team page, email Sara DeRose at [email protected]
How to Promote Your Souper Bowl Drive:
- Flyers: Download and share a P2P Souper Bowl Flyer (2 versions: v1: with P2P logo, and v2: with space to add YOUR logo/name)
- Social Media: Post your Drive on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) and be sure to tag Person to Person
- Pictures: Share any pictures you take of your food drive in action. By emailing pictures, you are giving P2P permission to share the image(s). Email to [email protected] or [email protected]
Food drive drop-offs:
The NFL Super Bowl is Sunday, February 13, 2022.
- Collected food may be dropped off at our Darien (1864 Post Road) or Norwalk (76 South Main Street) food pantries, Monday – Friday, 9am – 1pm, the week following the Super Bowl (week of February 14).
- Larger groups (school, company, church, or community organization) who may need assistance with collection pick-up, please email Rick Nixon at [email protected] to arrange.
Any questions about hosting a food drive or drive collections, please contact Rick Nixon at [email protected].