There are many ways to partner with P2P to make an impact this holiday season. Whether you choose to purchase a toy for our toy drive, stock our pantries with food, or to make a financial contribution, your gift will bring security and hope for a brighter future to thousands of people in our community this holiday season.

P2P Impact Opportunities

Just One Act of Kindness: Year-End Giving

Person to Person relies on the kindness and generous support of individuals, community groups, local businesses, and corporations for the vital funds that make our mission possible.

While fundraising isn’t all we do, all we do depends on it. Your generous support, regardless of size, helps us meet the critical needs families, individuals, and children face during challenging times, including the growing need for food, clothing, and emergency financial assistance.

Every act of kindness, every dollar, allows Person to Person to serve the nearly 25,000 people who seek our services with dignity, compassion and respect. Your support of our Annual Campaign provides the support we need to create opportunities for those we serve to live better and sustainable lives.

Your tax-deductible gift to Person to Person goes directly to programs that meet our mission of achieving educated, financially stable, and hunger-free homes for all.

Holiday Toy Drive

The holiday season should be a magical time but for many families, it can cause added stress and difficulty. During the holiday season, many parents in our community are unable to experience the joy of buying their children a gift. By supporting our Holiday Toy Drive you can make a difference.

A gift of just $20 can provide a child experiencing economic hardship with a toy to unwrap this holiday season. 

Corporate Partnerships

Businesses of all sizes partner with P2P to maximize their giving impact–from dedicated online fundraisers to support our year-end campaigns to physical drives for food, clothing, or holiday gifts to volunteer opportunities. If you’d like to discuss how your company or local business can get involved, please email Joel Weiss at [email protected].

Fundraising Events

Person to Person and our community partners hold a variety of fundraising events during the holiday season. These are a great way to get involved.

Harbor Point Turkey Trot 5K Fun Run

Thursday, November 24; 8:30am – 10am

Harbor Point Square, Stamford

Dove Program

The Dove Program supports families in our community in two ways. Your White Dove Gift will be used to provide a gift card to a local family to purchase their holiday meal.  Your Green Dove gift will support P2P’s Critical Needs Programs or Scholarships.

Additional Ways to Give

  • Amazon Smile: Make sure to select “Person to Person” as your charity of choice for all your Amazon purchases. An easy way to give!

Do you have an idea for a fun and engaging fundraiser? We’d love to hear it! Email Joel Weiss at [email protected].