As much as the world has changed over the past year, one thing that has remained constant is the hard work and gracious nature of the volunteers who give their time to Person-to-Person (P2P). Or more accurately, give their time to P2P’s 28,000 clients.
While so much of the past year fostered feelings of confusion, panic, and uncertainty, what we saw here at P2P was a clear resolve to “work through” this pandemic knowing full well that closing our doors was not an option. And the only way to keep our doors open is with the support of our volunteer network.
Yes, we had volunteers who understandably could no longer come in due to health risks, but an amazing number stayed and even new volunteers joined, to ensure our clients would not go hungry.
This is my ‘Open Love Letter’ to ALL OF OUR VOLUNTEERS past and present. You have supported P2P for so many years and this past year during COVID, showing our corner of the world that kind and compassionate service to others is at the heart of what we do on the P2P TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More).
Whether you joined us for one day or come every day, it is important to know that you have positively affected thousands of lives. In addition to providing essential services to our clients, it’s also about providing a safe, compassionate experience for all.
April is “National Volunteer Month”. We want to take a moment to recognize and honor all P2P volunteers for their contributions both large and small. We salute each and every one of you for stepping up and staying on during the pandemic – sharing our profound belief that no one should go hungry.
We are grateful and appreciative of your precious time and compassionate spirit, and recognize there is no way we can serve our clients without you.
My sincerest thanks to each and every one of you.
Juri Garone
Chief Community Relations Officer
P.S. If you haven’t had a chance to volunteer with our superhuman team, you can get an idea of what volunteering is like here at P2P by looking at our Open Volunteer Opportunities.
To see volunteers in action, check out some of our Door2Door home delivery volunteers and the impact of volunteers in our 28,000 Stories video.